Product Profile


Conveyor Belt Structure / Construction


Know Your Conveyor Belt


The usual designation of conveyor belt is as follows:


Typical example of belt designation




Our Product Range


Width: Upto 2000 mm width
Equivalent to roll dia 2.8 mtr max.( i.e., 300 mtrs approx. length) depending on belt width and/ or thickness (to be confirmed with Technical Department ).
Cover Grades: M24, N17, W, X, Y,Z, SAR, SHR T1, SHRT2, SHRT3, UHR, FR, OR, etc.
Cover Thickness: Upto 10 mm top and 5 mm bottom.
Belt Ratings: Upto 2000 kN/mtr, 8 ply max.; maximum total belt thickness 25 mm.


Fabric Reinforcements

The carcass is made up of tailor-made polyester/ polyamide (EP) fabrics, polyamide / polyamide (NN) fabrics or special heat resistant fabrics as per customer requirements.


Minimum Information required in designing a conveyor belt


  • Belt width in mm
  • Thickness of rubber cover on bottom in mm
  • Number of plies
  • Grade of rubber cover
  • Types of fabric
  • Length of belt required in mtrs
  • Duty type
  • Ends of the belt (open or endless)
  • Thickness of rubber cover on top in mm
  • Belt inclination Angle